
 Private Coaching Fees

Comprehensive Assessment only: $80

Get expert analysis and honest feedback regarding your dog’s potential as a hearing dog or skilled companion dog.

Single Introductory Coaching Session: $80

Experience a virtual or live coaching session and explore whether the fun and commitment of service dog training is for you.

Comprehensive Assessment & 3 Weekly Introductory Coaching Sessions: $280 ($70 per session)

Participate in our comprehensive assessment and begin to develop or hone your positive dog training skills, applying them effectively to hearing dog training.

Comprehensive Assessment & 6 Weekly Introductory Coaching Sessions: $420 (best value at $60 per session!)

Give you and your dog an immersive experience in hearing dog training. Increase your insight into your pet’s service dog potential, harness your dog’s natural instincts, and improve your ability to work as a team.

Hearing Dog Foundations I $360 ($60 per session)

You and your dog have demonstrated that you have strong trainee potential and are ready to commit to your goal of becoming a service dog team. Your coach has confidence in your ability to learn and apply positive dog training methods - in session as well as in your daily life. The transformation of a pet into a canine superhero begins with a strong foundation in obedience skills, public access skills, and sound work skills. By the time you are ready to progress to the Foundations II class, your dog will working a minimum of two household sounds with 80% consistency and have passed their AKC Canine Good Citizen test.

6 weekly sessions, repeated as needed


1) Comprehensive Assessment

2) 6 Introductory Coaching sessions

3) Approval of coach

Hearing Dog Foundations II $360 ($60 per session)

With the approval of your coach, you progress to expanding your dog’s repertoire of sounds, increasing the complexity of distractions, and cultivating your dog’s resilience, confidence, and reliability in public settings. By the time you are ready to graduate to the Advanced Hearing Dog Skills phase of training, your dog will be working a minimum of 4 sounds with 80% consistency and pass at least 50% of the Public Access Test skills.

6 weekly sessions, repeated as needed


1) Hearing Dog Foundations I

2) Approval of coach

Advanced Hearing Dog Skills $360 ($60 per session)

With approval of your coach, you and your dog move into the final stage of training. You will add further sounds to your dog’s repertoire with introducing distractions. Your dog will be routinely exposed to complex public places that place high demand on your dog’s skills and your skills as a handler. With your coach’s approval, you will be able to take the Public Access Test. Once your dog has successfully passed the test and is working all their sounds at 80% or higher proficiency, you and your dog will be a fully trained team and ready to graduate from the program.

6 weekly sessions, repeated as needed.


1) Hearing Dog Foundations II

2) Approval of coach