
Hearing Dogs

  • Hearing Dogs provide assistance by alerting deaf or hearing-impaired individuals to sounds that they would otherwise miss.

  • Dogs alert the person by making physical contact with them with one or two paws and leading them to the source of the sound.

  • Dogs are typically trained to respond to: alarm clocks, kitchen timers, smoke alarms, name call, door knock/doorbell, and telephones (for users of telecommunication devices for the deaf).

  • Some dogs will independently learn to alert their owners to sounds they were not initially trained on (e.g., tea kettle, the toaster, or washer and dryer buzzers).

  • Hearing Dogs can also assist in the workplace or, for people who travel, in a hotel.

  • Like Guide Dogs for persons with visual impairments, Hearing Dogs have public access rights under the American Disabilities Act and by state law.